[Read.DZub] Yuri Dojc Last Folio

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This personal and immensely moving collection of photographs taken decades after the Holocaust poignantly documents a once thriving culture that disappeared virtually overnight. The first country to adopt Nazi Germanys anti-Jewish policies, Slovakia transported three-quarters of its Jewish population to concentration camps in a matter of months, including Yuri Dojcs grandfather. Many years later, Dojc returned to his ancestors home, camera in hand. Serendipity led him to an abandoned Jewish school in eastern Slovakia, where time had stood still since the day in 1943 when all those attending were taken away to the camps. What he found inside, as well as in the abandoned synagogues and cemeteries he visited, were the remnants of a dynamic culture that disappeared in an instant. These haunting photographs of decaying books, fragments of the Torah, splintered gravestones and the vacant, crumbling building, evoke a lost way of life. The photographs vibrant colors, exquisite detail, and near abstract composition tell us more about how the people lived than how they died. Among the many hundreds of books and fragments, one stands out especially, one which miraculously found its way from dusty pile to its rightful heir, a book once owned by Yuris grandfather, Jakub. Beautifully reproduced in this volume, Dojcs exquisite images are both artistically and historically powerful. Vronique Chemla: John von Neumann Prophte du XXIe Arte rediffusera le 14 fvrier 2017 John von Neumann Prophte du XXIe sicle (John von Neumann Der Denker des Computer-Zeitalters) documentaire de Portrtn fotografie Wikipedie Portrtn fotografie (nebo tak fotografick portrtovn) je zachycen podoby jedn nebo vce osob na fotografii ve kter pevld tv a jej vraz Vronique Chemla: Qumrn le secret des manuscrits de la Plus de 130 pices photographies dpoque chronologie glossaire monnaies cartes sur la Jude antique - sont exposes pour la plupart issues des Art Gallery of Hamilton GALLERY LEVEL ONE Expanding the Circle: Robert Davidson and the Ancient Language of Haida Art Sara Angelucci: Piece Work Last Folio: Yuri Dojc Upcoming Exhibitions - artgalleryofhamiltoncom GALLERY LEVEL ONE Joseph Hartman: The Artist's Studio On view June 17 2017 to December 31 2017 Co-curated by Melissa Bennett & Alana Traficante
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